whitney Prude



creating lasting change from
the inside, out!

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Book Whitney to Speak!

Start A New Path

Feel the joy of living a whole and happy life!






  1. the state of forming a complete and harmonious whole; unity.
    “her life exemplified a sense of wholeness and meaning”
  2. the state of being unbroken or undamaged.
    “the wholeness of his being embodied strength and resiliency”




  1. a state of well-being and contentment; joy
    “her soul finally felt at peace and her happiness flourished”
  2. a pleasurable or satisfying experience
    “he was overwhelmed with happiness and joy”


Imagine your ideal life

Imagine a life of freedom from self-judgment and self-deprecation. A life full of strength and resiliency where challenges are stepping stones to a brighter future. A life where what the world thinks matters less and meaningful relationships matter most. A life where self-care has a place and provides sweet serenity to your soul. A life where diet, sleep, and exercise are a blissful retreat from the bustle of reality. And finally, a life where you have time to embrace the inexplicable beauty of each and every day.


I Want This!!

Learn about whitney’s story…

I learned at a young age that life doesn’t always turn out how we think it should. When I was a teenager my parents went through a devastating divorce. I felt like my whole world had crumbled. My most important relationships were in shambles. I was hurt. I felt abandoned. And, I had no idea how to deal with all my emotions and devastation. I felt so broken inside.

I did my best to pick up the pieces and decided that I wasn’t going to let this keep me from reaching my dreams. In order to cope, I buried myself in busy-ness and overachievement working to achieve my dream of becoming a pharmacist.

Over the years I did pretty well at keeping my pain covered up. I even had myself convinced that I had dealt with everything and was perfectly fine. It wasn’t until I started pharmacy school that I realized this wasn’t actually the case…

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transform your health with our 16-week program

whole health transformation program

Overcome Mental & Emotional Barriers.

Our physical health is an outer expression of an inner conflict. There are always underlying reasons for why our health is in the condition it is. In order to change our physical health and maintain those results, we also have to address what is happening much deeper inside ourselves.

Master nutrition & exercise.

The secrets to nutrition and exercise really aren’t secrets at all, but they have become lost in the excessive information through the internet and media. You can live a normal life, eat normal foods, exercise how you want, and still lose and maintain weight. 

CReate healthy habits that last long term.

If we want to be successful at developing healthy habits that last long term, we have to be willing to do the hard, slow work. Real habits don’t develop overnight or even in 21 days. This program is packed with the psychology behind habit building, behavior change, and provides all the support and accountability you need to stay on track. 



“Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.”

                                                           ~Carl Bard

hire whitney to speak at your event

Inspiring wellness

It comes as a surprise to many that anyone would enjoy standing up and speaking in front of a large group of people, but Whitney LOVES being on stage. There are very few other environments where you can take an entire group of people on a journey of awareness, discovery, rich and raw emotion, laughter, motivation, and determination to make a change. More than anything, Whitney loves piecing together her speeches in a way that leaves her listeners feeling empowered and inspired to take control of their life and their health! Because each of us holds the KEY to our ultimate destiny!


Ideal audiences

Whitney speaks to all sizes of audiences ranging from 5 to 1000+. Her most common venue is within businesses and organizations at staff meetings and annual events to help improve employee/member wellness and productivity. She speaks in person as well as virtually which is particularly beneficial for businesses and organizations with remote employees. She has a very unique way of connecting with her listeners on a deep and meaningful level. An event with Whitney would not be complete without her uncanny ability to draw laughter, tears, and shouts of triumph all into one empowering experience. 



about health &wellness coaching

Why coaching?




Do you ever feel like you try diet after diet and can’t seem to lose any weight? Or that you run like crazy to keep up with life and feel so stressed you don’t even know where to begin to make a change? Do you have a hard time turning your mind off to allow yourself to get some sleep or even spending time by yourself in your own skin? The list could go on and on. If you feel like your life is controlling you, coaching is the ticket to success you have been looking for! Through one on one coaching sessions you will learn how to unleash your ability within to not only regain control but to sincerely enjoy the life that you live.

Book a FREE Call!


What others are saying…



Whitney introduced me to wellness coaching. I have never tried or done anything like this before. She has helped me to see the areas in my life where I could be more fulfilled. She has also helped me work on projects I have been meaning to get to, but never do. It is so nice to have someone checking in with me to share my progress. It is nice to know I have someone there to help me keep going and working on my goals. Whitney is a great listener. She will help you find ways to improve areas of your life. She is very kind and compassionate. She has a great deal of empathy when you need a push. I highly recommend Whitney as a wellness coach. You will not regret choosing her.



Whitney has an extraordinary gift for wellness coaching that cannot easily be explained. I initially began working with Whitney a year and a half ago looking for guidance in changing a few different aspects of my life. Whitney has an ability to inspire inner encouragement and assisted me with identifying the root cause for these areas of needed improvement. In the process she was empathetic, supportive of my journey, and ultimately a great friend in helping me succeed. I can confidently state I would not be where I am today without her coaching expertise. I would highly encourage anyone looking for a wellness coach to reach out to Whitney.


Whole & Happy Living

2362 21st Ave. SE

Rochester, MN 55904


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